外教:In China, I eat more rice than noodles[捂脸]
我:Yes,you can choose different delicious food!
外教:Yes, Luoyang has some beautiful sights. But sometimes seeing friends/students is also meaningful[愉快]
我:[旺柴]I think I can find him,but maybe he is also sad because I delete him[得意][得意]…I Ican also find him and give up my self esteem,rather than give up himHowever,it's not today!Now,let's have lunch together![强]
外教:Maybe give it a little more time first? It would be better if he finds you. And you will also know better than how much you miss him. Self-esteem is important, but maybe showing mutual respect to each other matters even more.Yes, let's enjoy our lunch! Talk again another time!
我:OK!Have lunch!Chicken!You can have a try![旺柴]大盘鸡
哈哈哈,外教真的是活泼,由此可见不结婚真的很开心!是啊,外教记得我的名字,说我当着所有同学的面说:“My boyfriend is cute!”哎,爷青结啊!那时候真的是前男友的荣幸!外教口语课……呃呃呃我居然记不清楚了,毕竟那时候2019我真的是视他为神充满了滤镜!如今真的记不起来了……我好像失忆了,彻底记不起来了……
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