so that they, they know what is a better world or them,使得他们知晓美好的世界仅为他们而生。
and think they make it a better place,以让他们确信自身亦能创造愈加美好的天地。”
“there"s a pla your heart,在你内心存在一片净土。
and i know that it is love,我明了这片净土充满了爱。
and this plauch brighter than tomorrow,这片净土所散发的光芒愈发灿烂。
and i you really try,倘若你真的锲而不舍地尝试。
本站域名已经更换为 。请牢记。you"ll ind there"s o cry,你会发觉不必为此哭泣。
in this place you"ll eel,在这片净土上。
there"s no hurt or sorrow,你感受不到灼痛与纷扰。
there are ways to get there,抵达这片净土的方式灿若繁星。
“i yh or the living,倘若你真心关注生灵。
make a better place or you and or me,为你,亦为我创建一个更加绚丽的世界。
there are people dying,不断有人奄奄一息。
i yh or the living,如若你关切生灵。
make a better place or you and or me,那就为你,亦为我缔造一个建怡然的天地。
there are people dying,不时有生灵瞬逝。
i yh or the living,倘若你真心关怀生灵。
make a better place or you and or me,因你,亦因我创造一个愈发美好的世界
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